ANNOUNCING Annika Socolofsky Don't say a word • releases Xuan-produced video for "Like a diamond"

Brooklyn, N.Y.—On June 23, 2023, Annika Socolofsky, a composer and avant-folk vocalist who explores colorful corners of the human voice — tones and timbres and techniques often dismissed as “untrained” or “unclassical” — releases Don’t say a word, an album of feminist rager-lullabies for the new queer era. Socolofsky, a “grotesquely gorgeous” (Chicago Tribune), an “unbearably moving” (Gramophone) artist, possesses “just the right balance between edgy precision and freewheeling exuberance” (The Guardian), and on Don’t say a word, a rebellion against the hetero-patriarchy, her voice carries us to worlds tender and violent and everything in between. 

Today, April 26, 2023, Socolofsky releases the Xuan-produced video for "Like a Diamond," a textual mashup of the oft-forgotten second verse of “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” and the traditional Welsh hymn “Ar Hyd y Nos/All Through the Night," written in memory of Socolofsky’s late Great Aunt Edie. Watch "Like a diamond" [HERE]. 

"Growing up, I had two grandmothers for the price of one: my biological Grandma Emma and her identical twin, my Great Aunt Edie," says Annika Socolofsky. " ‘The Twins’ did everything together. When we lost my Aunt Edie first, I simply couldn’t imagine a world in which one of ‘The Twins’ was alive and one had passed on."