I CARE IF YOU LISTEN: Album Premiere: Decir by Francisco del Pino

I CARE IF YOU LISTEN: Album Premiere: Decir by Francisco del Pino

“The tender soprano voice of Cecilia Pastorino gently floats over placid instrumental soundscapes and shepherds listeners through the rich poetry and sonic topography of Decir, the debut album from Argentine composer Francisco del Pino.

Decir features the eponymous seven-movement song cycle scored for voice (Pastorino), electric guitar (del Pino), viola (Pablo Jivo), and percussion (Daniela Cervetto), with lyrics by Argentine poet Victoria Cóccaro. The song titles—’La puerta’ (‘the door’), ‘El campo’ (‘the country’), ‘El viento’ (‘the wind’), ‘El agua’ (‘the water’), ‘La piedra’ (‘the stone’), ‘Las voces’ (‘the voices’), and ‘Territorio’ (‘territory’)—anchor us in the natural world as the poetry explores migration and displacement.”